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  • About Gozaria Vikas Mandal

We have left our village and settled in Metropolitans like Mumbai which has fast pace and challenging life. In this scenario we can not move ahead without the help of our relatives, friends and well wishers. To help our people to grow, we have started some social activities under the name of “Gozaria Vikas Mandal, Mumbai” on 14th April, 1976.

GVM is a non profit organisation committed for growth of us and our village community as we believe if a person grows in turn he always intend that his nearby and loved one also get financial and social stability.

We started GVM as a small plant which has now grown big and started yielding fruit. From last 33 years, non stop hard work and efforts put up by our committed and respectful seniors have made us independent and self –sufficient to take this cause to next level. We also hope that these efforts will help our village, brothers and sister to grow and have a better future tomorrow.